DTX-40 Technical specifications
Power supply
The module contains an electrical (2N) installation and distributor that power the entire data center module.
Two batteries and two UPS units are installed with an autonomy of 5 minutes. Even if the UPS system fails, the module remains fully functional.
Cooling system
At the right outside temperature, the module can be sustainable cooled using outside air. This option is very economical.
Another option for sustainable cooling is our patented adiabatic cooling system, for which two cooling units are available. This system is based on heat dissipation through the evaporation of water. It advantages are:
constant humidity
low energy consumption (PUE < 1.2)
Fire suppression system
The module is equipped with an automatic fire suppression system. When smoke is detected, the affected space like the IT layer and several technical components can be filled with IG55, a harmless, clean and dry extinguishing gas that doesn't damage your equipment.
Building management system
The building management system enables easy readout of data and malfunctions, giving you the opportunity to manage the indoor climate and energy consumption efficiently.
Please don't hesitate to contact us for more detailed specifications or to discuss your personal needs.